Pond net and evaporation

When I purchased my deluxe pond net I merely stretched it across the top of the pond and let the middle lay in the water. The jets and waterfall bubble across the top of it. I was losing about 1″+ per day of water in the pond even without the water fall running, with no apparent leaks at bulkheads or the skimmer. So I started wondering if the black netting in the water would increase evaporation.

To test this theory I purchased some 1/2 inch holed plastic bird netting ($11) and put it over the pond for a couple of days. Low and behold my water loss is cut in half. I’m getting some leakage around my temporary piping while I fix the water fall, but that is at least a known leak. So I apparently need to build a frame to support my deluxe pond net to keep it off of the water surface. In theory if I raise it above the water and the net is providing 40% shade, I should have even less water loss due to evaporation.

I don’t mind losing some water since most the experts agree that you should change 10-20% of your water weekly. 1/2″ loss per day is about 50 gallons so over a week I lose 350 gallons in my 1600 gallon pond. I tend to top it up twice a week.

Next dilemma – How to cheaply build 8×10 frame? PVC seems a likely answer. Or build the railings and attach to top of it. Decisions decisions…

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