The color migrations of Koi

After clearing up the green water this week I noticed my koi had different colors than previously. The asagi looked a paler blue while his reds have diminished. The kujaku’s reds and oranges have spread, but his blacks have almost disappeared. The Sanke’s blacks have intensified. The yamabuki ogon is a nice light yellow. The red on my Showa is very intense, but his black is diminishing. The gin rin butterfly looks a little pink rather than sparkly white, but his red/orange tones are well developed.

I know I changed from a color enhancing food to a growth food a few weeks ago so I’m sure that has some impact. Growth and age would obviously be another. So I did a little digging and found this artcle on the color and pattern of koi.

Here are the primary reducers/enhancers of koi color:

  • Breeding and Age – good breeding better colors with age
  • Water Quality & Conditions, Algae, pollutants – bad water poorer colors
  • Diet – Color enhancing food brings out the colors
  • Temperature – warmer temperatures diminish color
  • Sunlight exposure – can intensify color
  • Salt and medications – may reduce color vibrance
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