
Who is eSearing?

I am a web developer for a major telecommunication company, but also create websites for small business owners in my spare time. I actively participate in forums that discuss various technologies in order to learn from others experience and I try to help others who are just starting out or running into similar issues.

Back in 1998 I started using the web as a place to store reports for the finance and marketing teams. When digital cameras came along I built my first personal site showcasing my photography and eventually began blogging. In 2003 I started a web development business aimed at creating sites for Small Businesses. In 2007 I changed jobs within my company and had to learn ColdFusion. Since then I have emersed myself into the myriad of coding methods to make exceptional web based applications. I constantly learn new tricks and techniques to overcome most problems or seek to code more efficiently.

esearing.com is a place where I can document my experience with ColdFusion applications, JQuery, PHP, SQL, and other web technologies to widen my knowledge and to increase my options for creating websites . I will occasionally share my apps. Notice: apps were previously housed on a coldfusion server and have been removed. erics-test-lab is no longer available.

As I encounter problems and discover solutions, I will post them here in the web development blog . Thank you to all who share their knowledge and help me and thousands of others become better developers.

Available for Hire

If you have need of a web developer or even want a simple consultation about your site needs, you can contact me by using the contact page on this site.

Miscellaneous things about Eric

I am married and have two lovely, mostly well behaved children.
My favorite place on Earth is Disney World.
I make a delicious Fettuccine Alfredo
My dog is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Riley. He lives “the life of Riley”.