State of the Pond 2020

It has been a while since I posted anything about the pond. To be honest my enthusiasm for Koi keeping has diminished so I do the minimum necessary to keep things going. I built my system for ease of maintenance and it has been that. I no longer do weekly filter flushes and water changes but just allow the rain to top things up. I do have to empty the pump basket at least once a week, sometimes more in the fall when the leaves are falling. The fish seem healthy and happy and continue to grow. They are all around 30 inches now and around 8-9 years old.

I lost my long fin koi this year in the early spring. There was no sign of bacterial infection or outer damage but she may have been victim of mating brutality or merely suffered from internal issues.

The Performance Pro pump I initially purchased is still going strong but likely needs an overhaul or replacement. It is getting harder to prime but once it gets going it seems to work just fine and deliver enough water changes to the filters to keep things moderately clear. The Jobo UV filter requires new bulbs annually but so far has kept the algae to a minimum. I don’t have much leakage in the piping but there is some likely underground. But summer algae and bacteria should seal it up eventually. I lose about 50-100 gallons a week, but the rain seems to make up for it.

My box filter requires some cleaning to remove the dead algae created by the UV system, but I rarely take out the matting to do a full power wash. My mats are about 5 years old now and are shrinking so likely need to replace those next time I am near my supplier.

I changed brands of food this year from the expensive Saki Hikari to Blue Ridge Koi. The fish seem to like it. I do find more of it in my pump basket so have reduced the amount per feeding. My electronic autofeeder died after about 3 years of use.

I still keep bird netting on the pond to keep out the herons but keeping it above water surface is difficult. I may try to build a short fencing around the pond this year and that will help lift it above the water. I did not have to cover the pond this year due to the mild winter so there is more debris in the water than usual and it doesn’t seem to want to settle yet. It likely needs a good vacuuming and cleaning.

The black sealant around the waterfall rocks has deteriorated away so some of the water finds its way behind the rocks rather than over them. A nice black moss/algae has formed on the rocks so it is taking on a lovely aged appearance. l

I need to get back to a regular pond cleaning schedule to get things looking clear and clean again but I am impressed my overall system has held up despite not being the best design in the world. I would love to put in a real bottom drain and an ERIC system before the pump but am not ready to spend the time, energy, and money to do so yet.

Happy Ponding during these crazy times.

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