SQL adding new columns to query

Sometimes a table has all the fields you need and sometimes it doesn’t. I sometimes need to create flag fields or summary fields to hold additional information. So here are the methods I use.

Add a 1 char flag field
select *, ' ' as myflag from table...

Add a column with more than one character or a data type
select *, cast('' as varchar(10)) as mytextfield, cast('' as datetime) as mydatefield from table...

Add several columns using alter
Select * into #mytemptable from table...
Alter table #mytemptable
Add ( col1 varchar(10) null,
col2 datetime null,
col3 int null,
col4 char(1) null

Summary field
select units, price, unitsxprice as extended price from table...

Concatenated field
select firstname+" "+lastname as name from table...

Syntax may vary slightly depending on database.

Cup size   
Select size then click on coffee cup.
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