Sick fish – remedy more than cost of the fish.

Tuesday the Kujako begins floating tail high/head down in the water. This is usually attributed to swim bladder issues which may be due to water quality, parasites, fungus, constipation, or other reasons. The PH is a bit high so I purchased some PH Lower to bring it down. PH Lower is basically sulfuric acid and makes the water more acidic. He seems to be responding better now that the PH is closer to 7. I’m still fighting algae bloom too so added some bacteria to the water to help fight it. I also bought a better testing kit which has a wider range of PH indicator. Amonia is good, nitrates/nitrites are excellent.

And for good measure I added an antifungal treatment to the water just in case.

Ph Lower – $60 ($40 powdered version, $20 liquid)
Antifungal – $20
Quality test kit to check PH, Nitrates, amonia- $40
Bacteria – $20 enough for the summer.

I also picked up the plumbing parts to redo the hydrant again – Another $25.
I ordered a fine mesh net for $79 including shipping to help protect the fish from heron this summer.

I’m beginning to think I dug a money pit rather than a pond.

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